10 Million Meals
Today the world is facing the worst global crisis since World War 2. More than 820 million people are suffering extreme hunger every day, while the UN fears that a further 400 million could be dragged into poverty due to the Covid pandemic.
The pandemic has plunged many families into hunger.
The pandemic has proved devastating to daily wage earners, who can no longer earn and whose families have been plunged into poverty. People are struggling to attain the basic necessities of life not just in low income regions such as Africa, South America and Asia; but even in North America and Europe. As societies try to recover from lockdown and keep their businesses alive, it is the homeless, the refugees and the disabled who are the most vulnerable of poverty and food insecurity.
Thankfully, Humanity First is working on the ground in 73 countries, looking out for the most vulnerable. We have supported over 700,000 people purely on the basis of need. In developed economies, our food banks are busier than ever; providing families with dietary necessities as well as the provision of hot meals and food supplies, while our teams provide hot meals and food supplies to the homeless, care homes, and refugees.
In much of South Asia, Humanity First has provided daily wage workers and their families with food ration packs and clean drinking water. All across Africa, as the pandemic spreads, our teams have been reaching remote villages and providing a lifeline for families struggling to provide a simple meal for their children.
Humanity First is committed to serving mankind worldwide.
In this difficult time, Humanity First remains dedicated to its mission of serving humanity and helping the disadvantaged, regardless of colour, caste or creed. It remains committed to preserving and safeguarding the sanctity and dignity of human life. Our immediate aims are alleviating poverty, providing health facilities, and ensuring education for underprivileged communities. Our long term aims remain the sustainable development and empowerment of vulnerable societies.
With the help of its donors, Humanity First has now provided over ten million meals to vulnerable people with the help of over 3500 volunteers worldwide. It is the ordinary people like you who are making a difference.